Money Saving Tips for College Students: Budgeting and Financial Strategies
Saving money as a college student starts with developing a thrifty mindset and forming solid financial habits. Evidence shows that actions like creating a budget, seeking part-time work, and using student discounts drastically reduce daily expenses.
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Credit Union for Your Needs
The best credit unions are the ones that balance superior member services with rewarding financial benefits. These credit unions should not only offer competitive interest rates, lower fees, and an array of financial products but also cater to your unique needs, proving that not all credit unions are built alike. For many, it'll be surprising to find that this can often mean choosing a smaller local credit union, rather than a larger corporation, as personalized service is a pillar of strength for these establishments. It starts with understanding your own needs and values. In this blog post, we will delve into what is the best credit union and how First Capital FCU can help you achieve all your financial goals by joining us.
Beyond Banking: The Insider's Guide to Successfully Applying for a Credit Union Loan
Getting a loan can be an overwhelming experience, but it doesn't have to be - especially when you're a part of a credit union that values you! Whether you're a financial wizard or taking your first plunge into the borrowing world, credit unions offer a friendly, community-focused alternative to traditional banking. And guess what? We're here to share the inside scoop on how to successfully apply for a credit union loan!

First Capital Federal Credit Union Celebrates 70 Years of Service to Members and the Community!
In a Nutshell: Seventy years is a long time in any industry, but in financial services, it?s astronomical. Yet that?s how long First Capital Federal Credit Union has served members and communities in York County, Pennsylvania. After decades of change and expansion, today?s First Capital strives to produce positive financial outcomes for all members while remaining dedicated to financial education and charitable giving. It can almost seem like David versus Goliath when smaller credit unions like First Capital go up against the big banks. But First Capital exceeds expectations by taking a practical approach.
Preparing for Retirement: Strategies for Building a Strong Financial Future
Retirement is a significant milestone in life that requires careful planning and preparation. As you envision your future, it's crucial to develop strategies that will help you build a strong financial foundation to support your retirement goals. At First Capital FCU, a trusted York credit union, we understand the importance of securing a comfortable retirement. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies for preparing for retirement, including valuable information about Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).